Saturday, July 21, 2007

Lilliana's Baby

Those of you who have visited Los Higos may have met Lilliana and Ariel. Lilliana had her baby on Tuesday evening and was back in Los Higos by Wednesday morning when this picture was taken. It's a girl who weighed 5 and a half pounds. They haven't given the baby a name, yet. Ariel told me that they're trying to think of a name that no other child in Los Higos has.

I was so surprised that Lilliana was able to have the baby naturally-- without cesarian. Many births here are done with cesarian, especially if the baby is born in the public hospital. It seems that doctors find it more convenient to do surgery than to let the woman have the baby vaginally.


Sandra said...

gorgeous leetle baby!

arleneiowa said...

And they have now given her a name: Mabel.