So, the big news at the social work site this week is that it turns out that Titi, the rabbit, is a boy. That would explain the reason she [he] has not has baby bunnies, yet.
Titi (Tito?) does have a lot of feminine characteristics in his personality. That's what made it so hard to believe when his anatomy proved he is a boy. I will buy a grey rabbit tomorrow from a neighbor kid who is verified to be a girl. We think she is already pregnant.
Good luck! I was noticing in children's books the only families with more than two children are rabbit families - and then they only have three of four. I don't think real rabbits are like that! :)
But she [he] is still really calm, and doesn't scratch your calves, lower back, or wherever else that wilder rabbit was able to reach.
Titi (Tito?) does have a lot of feminine characteristics in his personality. That's what made it so hard to believe when his anatomy proved he is a boy.
I will buy a grey rabbit tomorrow from a neighbor kid who is verified to be a girl. We think she is already pregnant.
Good luck! I was noticing in children's books the only families with more than two children are rabbit families - and then they only have three of four. I don't think real rabbits are like that! :)
(sarah aeschliman) oh no!!! the Titi we fed for two weeks was decieving us!!! but that is pretty funny!!
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