At all the schools, they've had a Dia de Ninos (Kids Day) as their last day of school before Christmas break. In Piedra Blanca de Hatillo, the school where most kids from Los Higos go, they had kids day last Friday.
The kids came dressed in their best clothes and a lot of the girls got their hair done (on Thursday I saw lots of girls walking around Los Higos in curlers). In one classroom, a sound system was set up and the kids danced. Others played basketball or volleyball in the yard.
At one point, the kids all lined up to get apples (shown in the picture above is Chipo after he went through the line). The fruit was donated by a politician. Before they handed it out, the director and a political worker both gave little speeches explaining that this particularly politician really cares about children that live in villages and that he wanted them all to at least get an apple for Christmas.
The picture below shows Paola and her apple. She saved all the seeds out of hers and gave them to me. I laster planted them in a couple little bags for her, along with a few tomato seeds, just in case the apples don't sprout (which I doubt they will).
hi! seriously i don't know why i'm in my mom's account, but i don't know my own password, so oh well. this is sandra. is chipo old enough to be in school already? you know, ramon planted an apple seed in the greenhouse and it sprouted! he planted it at the end of one of the rows, next to the peppers, hahah. i wonder if it's still alive. gosh, so sad the pomo baby deuris gave me is disappeared. :P
Chipo isn't in school, yet. But Marcelo, the director, said that all the kids from Los Higos could come. There were some that are already in high school there all the way down to some little kids, like Chipo and Waldi.
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