Thursday, February 22, 2007

Community Bible Study

The ag site has been leading community Bible studies in Los Higos for about a year and a half. On Mondays Arlene leads a Bible study (which is currently going over the basics of the Bible) and Andre hosts church services on Thursday and Saturday nights. There are about 25 people who regularly attend, ranging from children to elderly people.
The picture above was taken last Monday during the Bible study led by Arlene. Each group was given a scenario and had to write a letter pertaining to that scenario. They then read their letters and the rest tried to guess the scenario. The funniest letter pertained to a scenario where a 12-year-old girl had a crush on a classmate and was going to declare her love through a letter. We then applied this to trying to think of the context of the letters we find in the New Testament.

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